• Join the Smile Club

    After signing up, your smile countdown begins. Randomly every month you'll receive a mailed smiley surprise!

  • What's Included?

    Each month, receive a custom smiley sticker, hand drawn punny card, and an extra envelope already stamped.

  • Then What?

    Choose someone who you'd like to send a smile to! Write your message inside the card, seal it in the extra envelope, and drop it in the mail with their address on it!

  • Staying Connected & Smiley

    Wait for their response to your smiley, punny card and start thinking about who will receive your cc:Smiles card next month.

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Meet CC 👋🏼

Claudia Comstock, CC, is the artist behind every cc:Smiles design! After moving across the country for school to become a children's physician assistant, she realized how much happiness a simple card could bring to her friend's and family from afar. With the Smile Club, Claudia hopes to make sending thoughtful reminders to loved ones easier for others and prescribe millions of smiles to people all around the world!

Join us in making the world a happier place as we send smiles far and wide!

  • "I love sending cc:Smiles cards to my friends and family. My daughter always calls me after she receives her Smile Club card each month."

    - Sarah J.

  • I'm so glad I found cc:Smiles. It's a great way to stay in touch with the people I love while supporting such an amazing give-back initiative."

    - John D.

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Our Giveback 🎁

We send a CC's care package to a patient at a children's hospital for every 25 cc:Smiles cards delivered. After spending years volunteering with kids in the hospital, Claudia thoughtfully curated each CC's care package to include a punny pillowcase, custom coloring book and coloring supplies, and a Seal Better Soon cc:Smiles card. Learn why those items were selected and nominate a children's hospital to support by clicking below!

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