Every 25 cc:Smiles cards delivered sends a care package across the country to a patient at a children's hospital!

What's In A CC's Care Package?

Pun-tastic Pillow Cases

Claudia’s first hand experience working with patients revealed just how important sleep is to the recovery process. With plenty of long nights spent in the hospital, it’s extra important to provide the most soft and comforting pillowcases for the best rest possible! 

Custom Coloring Books

Every cc:Smiles box includes a custom coloring book and markers set of our doodles because studies show that coloring can decrease stress and increase serotonin levels to improve the healing process. 

Seal-Better Soon Cards

Each cc:Smiles box will include a seal-better soon card with a handcrafted and personalized message along with some of our best stickers to brighten their hospital experience!

Nominate A Children's Hospital To Support